Apr 22, 2008

27th April 2008; Kieslowski Film Festival

Kieslowski Film Fe

Three films of Polish master Krzysztof Kieslowski
27th April ; 9.45 am to 6.30 pm
Coimbatore Cosmopolitan Club
Race course
Call 94430 39630


Kieślowski was born in Warsaw and grew up in several small towns, moving wherever his engineer father, a tuberculosis patient, could find treatment. At sixteen, he briefly attended a firemen's training school, but dropped out after three months. Without any career goals, he then entered the College for Theatre Technicians in Warsaw in 1957 .

Leaving college , Kieślowski joined the Łódź Film School, the famed Polish film school that also produced Roman Polański and Andrzej Wajda. He attended from 1964 to 1968, during a period in which the government allowed a relatively high degree of artistic freedom at the school. Kieślowski decided to make documentary films. Kieslowski also married his lifelong love, Maria (Marysia) Cautillo, during his final year in school (m. January 21, 1967 to his death), and they had a daughter, Marta (b. January 8, 1972).

Kieślowski's early documentaries focused on the everyday lives of city dwellers, workers, and soldiers. He soon found that attempting to depict Polish life accurately brought him into conflict with the authorities. His television film Workers '71, was only shown in a drastically censored form. He abandoned documentary filmmaking due the censorship of Workers '71. He decided that fiction not only allowed more artistic freedom, but could portray everyday life more truthfully.

Kieslowski’s work consists of 40 feature / documentary/ short films made during his short life span which include the evergreen classic Tricolours Trilogy of three films - Red, Blue and White and his 10 parts Dekalog. Series. The death of Krzysztof Kieslowski in March 1996 was widely mourned.

Three Colors: Blue

Three Colors: Blue is the first part of Kieslowski's trilogy. Blue is the story of Julie who loses her husband, an acclaimed European composer and her young daughter. The film's theme of liberty is manifested in Julie's attempt to start life anew free of personal commitments, belongings grief and love. She intends to spiritually commit suicide by withdrawing from the world and live completely independently, anonymously and in solitude in the Parisian metropolis. Despite her intentions, people from her former and present life intrude with their own needs. However, the reality created by the people who need and care about her, a surprising discovery and the music around which the film revolves heals Julie and irresistibly draws her back to the land of the

In this movie, Kieslowski attaches an almost subconscious significance to the color blue, but primarily he focuses on Binoche's luminous face, and the way her subtle shifts in emotion flicker and disappear. Binoche's quiet, heartbreaking presence becomes spellbinding; her performance won the best actress prize at the Venice Film Festival in 1993.

This is a quiet, subtle film. Kieslowski and his cinematographer do a lot with the lighting, particularly in the scenes in the swimming pool. Those shots are awash in soft, evocative blue hues that give the scenes an exquisite, dream-like feeling.

Year : 1993 Run time 98 minutes French with English subtitles

Three Colors:White

Krzysztof Kieslowski opens the trilogy of films with Blue and ends by Red. The second installment in the series, this film White is designed to explore the universal notion of equality. Zbigniew Zamachowski stars in this dramatic look at a man who, when his entire world is destroyed by his ex-wife (Julie Delpy), vows revenge, only to have the tables turned on him in a very unexpected way.

White is an ironic comedy brimming over with the hard laughs of despair, ecstasy, ambition, and longing played in a minor key by . Polish immigrant Karol is desperate to get out of France. He's obsessed with his French soon-to-be ex-wife , his French bank account is frozen, and he's fed up with the inequality of it all. Penniless, he convinces a fellow Pole to smuggle him home The story evolves into a wickedly funny antiromance, an inverse Romeo and Juliet.

Year 1994 ; Runtime 92 minutes ; Polish & French with English subtitles

Three Colors:RED

Praised by critics nationwide, RED is a seductive story -- and the unknowable mystery of coincidence. The final chapter in Krzystof Kieslowski's acclaimed "Three Colors" trilogy, RED stars Irene Jacob (THE DOUBLE LIFE OF VERONIQUE) as a young model Valentine living in Geneva.

Because of a dog, she meets a retired judge who spies his neighbours' phone calls, not for money but to feed his cynicism. The film is the story ofrelationships between human beings, Valentine and the judge, but also other people who may not be aware of the relationship they have with Valentine or/and the old judge.

Irene Jacob's character becomes an aural witness to the secret lives of those we think we know. Kieslowski cleverly wraps up the trilogy with a device that brings together the principals of all three films. It's a strong, unique piece that reflects upon the ubiquity of images in the modern world and the parallel subjugation of meaningful communication.

Year 1994 Run time : 100 minutes : , French with English sub titles

Lunch and refreshments will be served during the
full day screening against payment of Rs.50

Screening supported by Hollywood DVD Shoppe
S B Colony , Coimbatore.

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