Mar 17, 2008

23rd March 2008 ; Screening of Mandela - Son of Africa, Father of a Nation

fascinating portrait of Nelson Mandela

Mandela: Son of Africa, Father of a Nation
Documentary / biography
By Angus Gibson &
Jo Menell

Year : 1996
Country : South Africa
English with English sub titles
Run time : 118 minutes

23rd March 2008 ; 5.45 pm
Ashwin Hospital Auditorium
Call 9443039630

Mandela: Son of Africa, Father of a Nation is the film biography of the first democratically elected president of the racially united South Africa. Directors Jo Menell and Angus Gibson give us an up-close and personal portrait of this black hero. Mandela was interviewed extensively and who allowed the film makers into his home.

"The struggle is my life," Mandela wrote in a letter from underground on June 26, 1961. "I will continue fighting for freedom until the end of my days." More than anything else, Nelson Mandela is the living embodiment of the struggle for freedom by South Africa's blacks.

What a fascinating portrait this film paints of Mandela! Named ``Nelson'' by a teacher who did not like his tribal name, Mandela was one of nine children of a polygamist father who had four wives (how did Mandela feel about that? The movie doesn't ask). When his father died, the bright boy was adopted by a chief and prepared to become counselor to the king. He ran away to Johannesburg in the early 1940s to escape an arranged marriage and had soon moved into the Soweto Township home of Walter Sisulu.

The Xhosa tribesman was trained to be a leader. Mandela studied law in Johannesburg and helped found South Africa's first black law firm. He went on to become a forceful presence in the African National Conference (ANC). Freedom was the holy grail that compelled him to initiate nonviolent campaigns against the government's policy of apartheid. And when the ANC was banned, Mandela went underground and organized a nationwide strike.

Mandela's quest for freedom for his people put a strain on his two marriages. During Mandela's 27 years in prison his second wife Winnie courageously stood her ground in the face of bannings, imprisonment, and eventual banishment to the village of Brandfut in 1977. Mandela's sister says of him in the film, "I realize he isn't ours. He belongs to the nation." This inspiring and edifying screen biography celebrates Mandela as a freedom fighter and a liberator — the father of a nation.

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